Friday, September 15, 2006

Why are you and Julio down at the schoolyard, Paul?

Paul Simon's the great musical Rosetta Stone for me; often enough what I feel like feeling about his shit tells me where I am on the continuum of my own--except as regards his foray into WORLD MUSIC: despicable.

So even as I recognize Capeman's prodigious gifts as a melodicist and yearn towards writing something as minor-key lovely as "The Sounds of Silence", there's no way in hell that Radar O'Reilly didn't chew his bottom lip in shame for his ertswhile biographer upon first hearing "Still Crazy After All These Years."


Anonymous said...

as usual, your craven deference towards sacred cows makes me sick to my stomach. what does paulie have to do with radar o'reilly exactly?

JBG JBG JBG said...

ah see, snidely, TV38 always used to run promos for MASH set to that song and now i hear it, fairly or not, as Radar's theme.

Charles I MacMullen said...

What's funny is that I nodded my head in agreement without realizing why. It didn't even strike me that it made no sense until your explanation.

A little sad when shared roots = uhf television, but a little awesome too.

Anonymous said...

dang... that's interesting from both of you. sort of an odd choice, too, considering how great a song suicide is painless is.