Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Circular File

B-Sides, rejected song and CD titles (which may someday emerge from history's dustbin, so don't get grabby):

British Tits on Clipper Ships
Come on Come on, it's Baseball
Green Tarragon
If I Was Eddie
Empty Arms
Rasputin v. The World
Winter Walls
To Destroy Your Favorite Things
Jackrabbit Ted Roosevelt (Spain)
Theory of the Binge
I Don't Know...Poop?
That Old Man Manfred Mann
Front for an Ulcer


snidely whiplash said...

jaysus. british tits on clipper ships has to be made. it's a linguistic imperative.

JBG JBG JBG said...

snidely, you'll be pleased to know that "if i was eddie" was written in part about our frequent trips to boo radley's

snidely whiplash said...

is that one about darryl latour?